V kanadskom hlavnom meste sa minulý víkend konala najväčšia výstava cestovného ruchu svojho druhu v Kanade: Travel &Vacation Show 2010. Zastúpenie už po niekoľkýkrát mala aj Slovenská republika. Tento rok organizátori podujatia ...
01:20 Gatchiani in the Gardabani districts was bombarded, which is 20 kilometers southeast of Tbilisi and outside the conflict zone and is also close to the BTC pipeline, but the pipeline is not damaged. (more?)
Dopo aver concentrato formazioni militari supplementari in Ablkazia questa primavera e aver rafforzato le infrastrutture militari, sempre in quella zona, all'inizio dell'estate, Mosca ha spostato il fronte di escalation ...... [11] The inauguration of the Georgian section of the pipeline was hosted by President Mikheil Saakashvili at the BTC pumping station near Gardabani on 12 October 2005.[12] The inauguration ceremony at the Ceyhan terminal was held on 13 July 2006. ...